The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Capacity Building Project (ZIM-ECO)


The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Capacity Building Project (ZIM-ECO 2016-2020) has a longer-term vision of developing the institutional, organizational and electoral capacity of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

This vision is spread over a 5-year period 2016-2020 and is aligned with the ZUNDAF 2016-2020 and ZEC Strategic Plan 2016-2020 and addresses SDGs 16 and 5.


Support to 2018 Elections


Accurate and Credible Voter Registration

  • 5.69 million voters registered
  • 80% registration target
  • 53% of registered voters are women
  • 44% of voters registered are youth

Enhanced ZEC Capacity

  • 8500 People trained
  • Establishing Voter
  • Registration Department
  • Strengthening ICT Department
  • Corporate Governance enhanced

Stakeholder Engagement

  • Dialogue between ZEC and Political parties, FBOs, CSOs and Media
  • My Vote, My Voice, My Right Campaign
  • Peace Pledge by all Presidential candidates

Strengthened Polling Process

  • Improved Polling Process
  • 100 000 polling staff trained
  • Improved election materials for 11000 polling stations

Informed Citizens

  • Campaign for BVR and VOTE 2018
  • Creativity, ingenuity and innovativeness in Voter Education
  • 16 million people reached in BVR
  • 10 million Expected number to reached in VOTE 2018

Effective Media Monitoring

  • Media monitoring based on international best practices
  • Establishing a Media Monitoring Unit
  • Regular and periodic reports on Media Monitoring
ec-undp-jtf-zec elections campaign vote 2018 youth key messages
ec-undp-jtf-zec elections campaign vote 2018 youth key messages
voters registered
0 %
of voters registered are youth
0 %
of voters registered are women
Total project budget: 36.8 Million USD

Where we Work

Our Objectives

Developing the institutional, organizational and electoral capacity of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to meet its Constitutional mandate.

Ensuring sustainable, credible and inclusive Voter Registration System for Elections, promoting the participation of women, youth, and people with disabilities in the electoral process.

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